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(626) 442-1716

Steel & Metal Projects

Concrete & Asphalt Repairs

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Bryce Parker Company offers quality concrete and asphalt repairs, guaranteed workmanship, and dependable service.


We have the personnel, equipment, and experience to handle your service station concrete and asphalt reapair in a timely manner.


Every year, raised, cracked, and improperly-maintained sidewalks cause hundreds of trip and fall injuries. Included in this category are walkways, parking lots, driveways, ramps, and slabs. The result is often costly lawsuits, high attorney fees, and judgments against property owners and managers.


Let Bryce Parker Company help you reduce your liability, improve your properties appearance, and increase safety, by refurbishing your damaged concrete and asphalt today.


Contact us 24 hours a day at (626) 442-1716 or click the button below to speak to someone now!


Call 877-442-1716 to speak to a representative now










concrete and asphalt repair


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General Construction Work

Copyright 2009 Bryce Parker Company

1511 W. 2nd St.

Pomona, CA 91766

California Contractors License Number: B1-750084

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